Preparing for accession negotiations: What role for Civil Society Organizations in Albania?
In the frame of the TRAIN (Think Tanks Providing Research and Advice through Interaction and Networking) program, provided by the German Council on Foreign Relations, Dritan Sulçebe, Researcher at AIIS, published his Policy Brief: “Preparing for accession negotiations: What role for Civil Society Organizations in Albania?”. This paper analyzes different steps undertaken by the Albanian government for including Civil Society into EU Accession Negotiations, namely: 1) The establishment and functioning of the National Council for European Integration, 2) The Agency for Support of Civil Society in Albania (ASCS), 3) The Civil Society National Council, 4) The “Guideline to the Government Policy on the Creation of an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development”. The recommendations included in the Brief will aim to the further consolidation of the above-mentioned mechanisms and legal initiatives, thus increasing the role of Albanian civil Society in the EU integration process of the country.